Pocket International Preschool in Kamikitazawa, Koenji & Ogikubo
Pocket International Preschool
Pocket International Preschool
‘Kamikitazawa School
@3-33-12 Kamikitazawa
@Setagaya Tokyo
@Zip: 156-0057
@Tel: 03-5317-4002
@e-mail: info@englishpocket.com
‘Koenji School
@4-7-3-2F Koenji Minami
@Suginami Tokyo
@Zip: 166-0003
@Tel: 03-3314-5595
@e-mail: koenji@englishpocket.com
‘Ogikubo School
@1-18-16-3F Kamiogi
@Suginami, Tokyo
@Zip: 167-0043
@Tel: 03-3220-8223
@e-mail: ogikubo@englishpocket.com
We have taken great care in designing our curriculum which is modeled upon the curriculum used in the state of California. This curriculum is particularly sensitive to the ESL requirements of our students and takes this into account by employing the repetition of specific phrases throughout various projects and activities the students are involved with.

For example, Instead of saying three phrases for the same thing, we focus on one phrase. In an ESL environment this is particularly important to developing a strong foundation in English. If students can focus on a particular phrase such as "Put it on the table.", later, they will be able to quickly learn other related phrase like "Set in on the table." and "Place it on the table." It's also important to note that this curriculum doesn't only focus on English education. Instead we try to strike a good balance in developing a child's emotional, physical, social and academic well-being along with math, science, art and music. In all of these activities, we encourage our students not just to listen but to do and make.

Pre 1 - 1st Year Preschool < For 1.5 - 2 years old >
At this age, the students are introduced to range of new experiences and will explore their new found independence. The students will be introduced to the basics of the English language, basic classroom routines, and learning to take care of personal items.

Traditional Days of the Week
Manuscript Months, Counting, Weather, Seasons
Numbers 1 - 10
Movement Singing and Dancing
Shapes Circle, Square, Triangle
Colors Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink, Blue, Green, Purple, Black, White
Alphabet Upper Case Letters
Lower Case Letters
Art and Craft

Fine Motor Skills, Using Glue, Exposure to a Range of
Different Textures, Painting

Pre 2 -2nd Year Preschool ƒFor 2`3 years old„
 At this age, children are learning to become independent from their mothers and are learning about self-awareness. It is here where the educational adventure begins.

Traditional Days Of The Week
Manuscript Months, Seasons & Special Days
Alphabet Lower Case Letters
Phonics Sounds Vowels, Consonants
Numbers 1 to 20
Colors Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
Shapes Recognizing Shapes
Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Heart, Square, Diamond, Oval
Social Study Context Grouping, Patterns, Matching, Practicing Odd

K1 - 1st Year Kindergarten ƒFor 3`4 years old„
At this age, children begin to enjoy stronger relationships with others and learn about participating in a group. As they gradually recognize the differences between themselves and others, it is our goal to teach them the rules governing social interaction. Creative activities play a big role in accomplishing this and also help students start to use and develop their imaginations.
Traditional Days Of The Week
Manuscript Months, Seasons & Special Days
Penmanship Upper Case Letters
Lower Case Letters
Phonics Vowels, Consonants
Reading CVC words
Sight words
Key Sentences
Decodable Books
Reading Basket

All letteres of alphabet
Full name
CVC words sentences
Math Concept Problem solving, Measurements, Number writing/ recognizing counting, Greater than/Less than
Numbers 1 to 50
Colors Mixed Colors
Language Art Same and Opposites
First, Next, Last
Reading Words, High- Frequency Words, Rhyming Words, Compound Words,
Sequencing A Story, Reading Sentences

K2 - 1st Year Kindergarten ƒFor 4`5 years old„
During the students second year in our kindergarten program, the students will be well aware of who they are and will become more aware of others feelings. They will have a deep understanding of right and wrong and will understand what is expected of them in the classroom. They will know the routines of the school and become more aware of time. They will be able to express their feelings well and will have a clear understanding of what they like and dislike. This year is a very important year as they start to express their feelings through their writing.
Traditional Days Of The Week
Manuscript Months, Seasons & Special Events
Phonics Consonant Blends - Start / End, Digraphs,
Long Vowels, Silent Letters
Reading Sight words, Decodable Books, Main Characters, Storylines,
Introduction to basics of a sentence, Capitalizing, periods, Question marks
Language Arts Capitalizing first letter, Proper nouns, Puntuation
Writing Complete Setences, Short Letters & Stories, Cards, Creative Writing

Counting 1 - 50, Writing Double Digits, Grouping and Sorting
Addition and Subtraction, Fractions
Art & Craft Painting, Using Scissors, Expressing Emotions through Art, Sculpting

K3-3rd Year KindergartenƒFor 5`6years old„
 By the time children reach this age, they have made substantial cognitive and physical progress, and their interaction with others has become quite complex. The games they are capable of are also quite complex, requiring speed and rhythm. At this stage of development, children develop an ability to compare and contrast their behavior with that of others. Part of this behavior awareness includes developing an understanding of right and wrong. During this time, it is critical that children be immersed in a good educational environment. With these things in mind, we aim to provide a high level of academically focused education while simultaneously nurturing the students' self-esteem, while promoting good behavior and confidence.
Traditional Days Of The Week
Manuscript Months, Seasons & Special Days
Reading Finding The Main Idea, Reading For Details
Visualizing, Identifying Cause & Effect, Fact & Opinion
Capitalizing First Word & I, Recognizing Periods, Chapter Books
Phonics Leveled Books
Double Vowels
Murmuring Vowels
Y sounds
Grammar Compound Words
Writing Practice Completing A Sentence
Writing 3-Part Sentences, Adding Adjectives
Writing Sentences & Questions
Sentence Combining, Sentence Building, Creative Writing
Map Skills Map Words, Directions, Symbols, Land & Water
Neighborhood (Map), World Map
Math Problem Solving
Greater than/Less than
Counting by groups
Couting to 100 and more
Science Context Sink or Float, Plants
Materials (Solids, Liquids, Gases)
Art & Craft Using Scissors,Painting, Sculpting, Creative drawing, book illustration

General Information About Our Academics

Phonics Education
 Most importantly in our academics, phonics comes first. It is essential to a successful English education. Through phonics children not only become familiar with the building block sounds of the English language, but phonics opens up a world of reading and writing, both of which are critical to learning new vocabulary and grammar. From our youngest class to our oldest class, phonics is fully integrated into the program. In our customized graduated curriculum, children are introduced to beginning and then middle and ending consonants, short vowels, long vowels, and then diagraphs, r-controlled vowels, and finally vowel combinations and dipthongs. By the time our students finish this program, they have excellent reading and writing abilities. Finally, it is an educational imperative here that students not only learn how to read but how to understand what they read. With this in mind, all of our reading actvities occur as an ongoing dialogue between the teacher and students where they discuss the meaning of the content. Often, at advanced levels, our students write short passages summarizes a particular story or simply telling a story which they imagined.

PIP Sight Words and Reading
 In PIP we make sure our students learn at least the first 200 of Fry's Instant sight words. Fry's instant sight words are a list of the words that appear most frequently in books. By learning these words students begin to focus on what they are reading instead of trying to figure out every word. We believe that the goal of the learner should not only be to be able to read the text but also to understand and respond to what they are learning.

 PIP science is all about exploring and asking questions. During class time we do challenging and fun experiments that allow the students to understand their world. Topics include, plants, animals, weather and water. Each experiment follows the scientific method which all students understand. The scientific method consists of a Question, Hypothesis (guess) Test, and Conclusion. Students enjoy whether or not their hypothesis is correct. Two examples of questions are: How can you move a magnet without touching it? What will happen to water left in the sun? A student who is now in first grade put it best when he wrote us a note saying "I love science. Your experiments made me excited! Your science projects were so much fun!"

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